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Known Issues [Update - Mar. 18th, 1:25 pm (UTC+8)]

From our battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4

Greetings, This is MIR4.

We announce the currently known issues through this notice.

Additional issues that are confirmed will be announced through this notice.

■ Known Issues

[January 21st, 1:44 pm (UTC+8)]

- [Account/iOS] Issue where users are unable to login through Google social login on iOS.

 : We have forwarded this issue to the related department and are currently looking into the issue.

 Fixed Issues

[Ranking] Issue where Power Rankings of certain servers can not be viewed on the official forum. : Fixed on Feb. 20 (Thursday)

[Magical Soul Orb] An issue where the unique effect of certain Magical Soul Orbs is applied upon reaching level 12, but the UI incorrectly displays it as locked. : Fixed on Dec. 24 (Tuesday) 

[Special Magical Soul Orb] An issue where some options disappear from Drakazan Magical Soul Orbs traded on XDRACO. : Fixed on Dec. 12 (Thursday) 

Issue on 'Drakazan Magical Soul Orb' and 'Sealed Drakazan Magical Soul Orb Lv.1' that got their stats applied reverse. : Fixed on Dec. 10 (Tuesday) 

Issue on the Week 1 Challenge missions of 'Yiun's Boosting World Scroll' that does not count some of its missions upon fulfilling the conditions. : Fixed on Dec. 3 (Tuesday) 

An issue with the 'Sign Out from the Payment Account' button appearing in the [Settings > Account] tab. : Fixed on Nov. 28 (Tuesday) 

An issue where the 'Zakhan's Pumpkin Candy Exchange Shop' banner is not being displayed properly on the event page in-game. : Fixed on Oct. 29 (Tuesday) 

[Market] Issue on Market Filter that is showing items of different grade after setting the grade filter. : Fixed on Oct. 29 (Tuesday) 

An issue where the 'Dragon's Gift Box' banner is not being displayed properly on the event page in-game. : Fixed on Oct. 15 (Tuesday)

[Event] Issue of the number of items remaining in the Divine Dragon's Pill Exchange Shop not refreshing and displaying the wrong number. Fixed on Sep. 30 (Monday)

Issue not being able to use NPC <Soulguiding Badge Exchange Merchant> Soul of Life and Death Fixed on Sep. 30 (Monday)

[Shop/WEMIX$ Payment] An issue where certain products are not displayed when selecting the WEMIX$ payment method

; Time Limited: Yellow Dragon Wayfarer Seal I ,II : Fixed on Sep. 03 (Tuesday)

Valley of Life and Death] Issue of Season ranking rewards not being distributed with the correctly for some Dragonians. : Fixed on July 9th (Tuesday ) 

[Item] Issue of Darkist's Limited Secondary Weapon 'Yellow Forbidden Tome' obtained from the 'Yellow Dragon's Secondary Weapon Box', not having its usable period be displayed. : Fixed on July 9th (Tuesday ) 

[XDRACO] Play Wallet Linking are not working normally. : Fixed on June 26th (Wednesday)

[Valley of Life and Death] Issue of Valley of Life and Death Season 6 ranking rewards not being distributed in certain servers  : Fixed on June 25th (Tuesday) 

- [Codex] Issue on certain accounts that can not register items on Codex. : Fixed on May. 28th (Tuesday) 

- [Gameplay] Issue of Auto-Return still activating upon having died 10 times or more during Auto-Combat. Fixed on Feb. 6th (Tuesday) 

- [Skill] The debuff 'Blind' granted by Lancer's skill 'Piercing Spear Tier 8~9' was abnormally implemented to the targets Fixed on Oct. 4th (Wednesday) 

- Game client constantly crashes while trying to run it on AOS devices. : Fixed on Oct. 4th (Wednesday)

- Full screen mode of PC version does not get displayed normally. : Fixed on September 5th (Tuesday)

-  An issue where the individual and Clan Ranking was not reset : Fixed on August 25th (Friday) 

- Repetitive rewards of the new event 'Portrait' added on December 5th could be claimed over the daily limit : Fixed on December 13th (Tuesday) 

- Taiji Outfit Exchange Ticket, Prowler Battlewear Exchange Ticket, Redmoon Combat Uniform Exchange Ticket can't be used. : Fixed on November 1st (Tuesday)      

- Game is getting crashed while trying to manipulate a certain character to exit from the Beauty Parlor and proceed on creating an another character. : Fixed on May 31st (Tuesday)

- Divine Dragon's Promising Point (+Summon count) of 'Spirit Special Summon' is getting reset after reconnecting MIR4 despite the purchase : Fixed on  April 19th (Tuesday)     

- Daily mission / Raid / Portal contents did not reset after the update : Fixed on September 3rd (Friday) 

- Getting into abnormal status when the character collides with an object while doing a Quest or Auto-Hunt(Auto-Move) : Fixed on October 5th (Tuesday)

- Force close when clicking the Claim all button after finishing all the daily tasks : Fixed on October 19th (Tuesday)

- Character is missing and it can't be moved or controlled when Jump Scroll is used to move to the place on the same map : Fixed on November 30th (Tuesday)

- More than 500 'Dragon Fruit' item of 100th Day event can be earned per day which exceeds the announced amount : Fixed on December 2nd (Thursday)

- Issue of not being modified tooltips of a Packaging box : Fixed on January 11th, 2022 (Tuesday)

- Game is getting disconnected when trying to send a mail to the sealed character : Fixed on January 11th, 2022 (Tuesday) 

- Issue of not being modified tooltips of Wrapped Uncommon / Rare / Epic box : Fixed on January 25th, 2022 (Tuesday) 

- Issue of being shown as the cancel status of Conquest Promotion : Fixed on February 9th, 2022 (Wednesday) 

- Unable to claim 'Septaria' through 'Sanctuary of HYDRA' : Fixed on February 9th, 2022 (Wednesday) 

- Enable to purchase 'Wayfarer Travel Pass II' over the purchase limit in the Shop : Fixed on February 9th, 2022 (Wednesday) 

- The issue of being displayed the other Spirit than the representative Spirit after the Update Maintenance.  : Fixed on Mar. 8th, 2022 (Tuesday)

- Character can only be loaded on the server it was originally sealed by A if A buys back the sold character from B. : Fixed on March 8th, 2022 (Tuesday)

- Issue of the status of Solitude Training being shown as 'Locked' when looking at certain characters' info. : Fixed on March 22nd, 2022 (Tuesday)

- Game automatically gets logged off with an error message and goes to the log-in page when trying to purchase Sarmati with insufficient HYDRA. : Fixed on April 5th, 2022 (Tuesday)

- The value of the first decimal point of HYDRA (0) is not getting displayed. : Fixed on April 5th, 2022 (Tuesday) 

- Character is getting inactive after moving to another area while using the Auto-Mission system. : Fixed on April 5th, 2022 (Tuesday) 


- [Spirit] An issue of not being able to check other users' equipped spirit information : Fixed on May 17th, 2023 (Wednesday)

- [Gameplay] An issue where character's power score was intermittently decreased upon enhancing the equipped gear

> It can be normalized after rerunning the client or warping the location : Fixed on January 23rd (Tuesday)

- Issue of a different list being displayed when changing languages in the following: ‘Codex’ > ‘Collection Codex’ > ‘Codex’ > ‘Magical Soul Orb’ : Fixed on April 30th, 2024 (Tuesday)

- An issue where the character's Magical Soul Orb is not registered automatically in the ‘ Collection Codex’  after the Wayfarer Travel. : Fixed on April 30th, 2024 (Tuesday)

[Wayfarer Travel/NFT] Issue of being Unable to Connect after commencing with the Wayfarer Travel and after Unsealing an NFT. : Fixed on May 17th, 2024 (Friday)

- [Valley of Life and Death] Issue of some users not having received the Season 5 Ranking rewards. : Fixed on June 11th, 2024 (Tuesday)